If you are unable to work, you are likely eligible to receive social security disability benefits. You should be aware that receiving social security disability income can affect other benefits to which you may be eligible, such as veteran’s benefits and unemployment benefits.
SSDI provides income to persons who meet the definition of “disability” and have worked long enough and recently enough to be “insured” for disability benefits. SSDI may also be available for disabled widows and widowers, depending on their age at the time of their spouse’s death, and to adult disabled children on the social security account of their parent. The amount of SSDI varies depending on the person’s previous contributions to the Social Security program.
The SSDIprogram provides income to disabled persons who have limited income and resources. The Social Security system places a cap on the amount of benefits a person can receive under SSI and the benefits may be reduced if there are additional sources of income for the disabled person. Most SSI recipients are also eligible for Medicaid.
Veteran’s Benefits
The receipt of SSDI or SSI income and benefits can affect your ability to receive veteran’s benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). The DVA provides income and benefits to those veterans that are at least 10% disabled whereas SSDI an SSI benefits are only available if the individual is 100% disabled. Veteran’s benefits through the DVA are only available, however, if the disability is linked to military service but SSDI and SSI benefits are available regardless of how the disability occurred.
Active duty status and receipt of military pay does not, in itself, limit eligibility for SSDI, but rather, the work activity in which a veteran is engaged is used to evaluate eligibility for SSDI and SSI.
Veterans wishing to apply for SSDI benefits should follow the standard procedures for claim with the Social Security Administration, but veterans disabled in the line of duty on or before October 1, 2001 are entitled to expedited processing of their SSDI applications.
Unemployment Benefits
Individuals who are able to work, but are unable to find full-time employment are entitled to temporary income through state-run unemployment insurance programs. The specific eligibility requirements, length of benefits and the amount of compensation are governed by state law. Most states fund their unemployment insurance programs through an unemployment tax paid by employers.
Although there is no specific prohibition on receiving SSDI income while receiving unemployment benefits, the two programs conflict with each other. In order to collect unemployment benefits, a person is essentially declaring that he or she is willing and able to work but cannot find employment, whereas, a person must declare that he or she is unable to work due to a disability in order to receive SSDI benefits. Moreover, the receipt of unemployment benefits will impact the income of an individual, such that he or she may not meet the income and asset requirements of the SSI program.
Help With All Your Social Security Disability Needs
The proficient Chicago social security disability attorneys can guide your through the entire claim and help determine the impact of SSDI and SSI benefits on other benefits to which you may be entitled. Contact one of our skilled Chicago social security disability attorneys at (800) 442-6546 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your social security disability claim.