After people have been approved for SSI or SSDI, their benefits may later be terminated for several reasons, including making too much money, medical recovery, changes in living circumstances and convictions. The Social Security Administration will send notices of continuing disability reviews to recipients when it is reviewing them for continued eligibility. If people receive notices that their benefits are being terminated, they have 60 days to appeal. If they wait beyond that period, they will have to reapply.
Earning Too Much Money
People who receive SSI or SSDI are allowed to earn an income separate from their benefits, but the right to do so is limited. People who receive SSDI have one trial work period of nine months during which they can try working. Any month that a recipient earns more than $810 from work will trigger the trial work period. The nine months are calculated over a 60-month period, and the months worked do not need to be consecutive. Any month during which a person earns more than the substantial gainful work income limit, which is $1,130 for SSDI recipients in 2016, may result in a termination of benefits. SSI recipients who earn more than $733 in one month or who have assets exceeding a value of $2,000 may also lose their benefits.
Medical Recovery
The Social Security Administration conducts disability reviews to check if the agency the person’s disabling condition still qualifies. If the agency believes that the recipient has experienced a sufficient recovery, it may terminate the benefits. A disability lawyer in Chicago may help his or her client to appeal a finding that the person is no longer eligible.
Living Circumstance Changes
Changes in living circumstances, such as moving into a nursing home or assisted living center, may lead to a termination of benefits. People who can prove that their stays are expected to be less than 90 days may continue receiving their benefits.
Certain Convictions Or Incarceration
Felony convictions may result in the termination of benefits. People who are incarcerated for any period lasting 12 months or longer will have their benefits terminated while they remain in jail. They will need to reapply for benefits once they are released from jail or prison.
There are other reasons that people may have their benefits terminated. A disability lawyer in Chicago may help his or her client to appeal the termination once the person has been notified.